
▌│█║▌║▌║ KillerBear ║ ▌║║█│ ▌

Welcome to "Mello"! In this charming and comical game, you embody a curious cat named Mello who strolls through a   household. Your mission? Keep Mello from being petted by lowering him gracefully as you walk. Press the spacebar to make Mello crouch, ensuring that those loving human hands just can't quite reach him.

Your timing and agility will be put to the test. How low can Mello go without getting caught in the petting frenzy? 

Play now and experience world of "Mello"!

How To Play This Game

 ◉ Click on Run Game, no installation is required. 

◉ Simply click when you see the sense above the cat.

◉ Try to time it right and go as far as you can without being petted. 

◉ Enjoy!

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