Potato's Quest! 

▌│█║▌║▌║ KillerBear ║ ▌║║█│ ▌

In Potato's Quest, you play as a brave potato sailing the  sea in a ship from the magical world of Memland. Your journey will be full of challenges as you navigate through the dangerous blue and white mountains that randomly appear in your path. To avoid crashing into them, you must transform your ship and yourself into the right color at the right time. You can do this by hitting the space bar or clicking on the screen to switch colors. But be careful, because if you don't switch in time, your ship will crash and adventure will end! 

How far can you go in this  game?

How To Play This Game

 ◉ Click on Run Game, no installation is required. 

◉ Simply click when you see the mountain to change the colour of the potato.

◉ Try to time it right and go as far as you can. 

◉ Enjoy!

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