Pudgy Space! 

▌│█║▌║▌║ KillerBear ║ ▌║║█│ ▌

Welcome to "Pudgy Space"! Assume the role of Penguin, a pudgy character drawn into existence, navigating the vastness of outer space in a rocket. Your mission is to avoid a perilous asteroid field. The challenge lies in your ability to skilfully manoeuver the rocket through  chaotic asteroid-filled cosmos.

Each successful dodge earns you points and propels you deeper into  galaxy. How far can you pilot Pudgy's rocket through this  universe?

How To Play This Game

 ◉ Click on Run Game, no installation is required. 

◉ Simply move the rocket to avoid asteroids.

◉ You can move with the arrow keys. 

◉ Enjoy!

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